Top 11 Tips to Optimise Your Virtual Conference

Top 11 Tips to Optimise Your Virtual Conference

As we struggle with the coronavirus pandemic, the world has seen an exponential rise of Virtual events & conferences in recent times. They enabled most businesses to build connections with their clients at the global level.

Many times, it becomes difficult for most attendees to attend a virtual conference as the duration of the event can be long and tiresome. They could get distracted especially when they attend the conference from the comfort of their own space. So how do we optimise the most out of our virtual conference?

Now, here’s a solution to put all your worries at rest!

This article aims to make you aware of some exceptional ways in which you can understand what virtual conferences are, how to optimise your own virtual conference, benefits of hosting a conference on a virtual platform, so let’s get started!

What are Virtual Conferences?

To jot down in one line- Virtual Conferences are basically a meeting held within a group of people in regard to discuss on particular topics or agenda. These conferences are hosted on a web-based solution and not on a on-ground venue.

They enable organisers, attendees, speakers, and sponsors to associate remotely through a visually rich environment. Although Virtual Conferences and Webinars options have been with us for a while, innovative devices and approaches are vigorously developing to adjust more closely to bridge the gap between physical and virtual events.

Benefits of using Virtual Conference Solutions!

  • Taking your conference at a virtual platform enables you to increase your attendee percentage.
  • As you are hosting the meeting virtually the costs are automatically reduced. Also saves your valuable time.
  • Helps reduce the carbon footprint and you contribute in making the world a better place to live as you will be attending the conference from the comfort of your home.
  • You can receive everything digitally such as industry trends and insights at your fingertips.
  • Enables you to enhance your networking.
  • You can generate qualified leads effortlessly and receive instant feedback.
  • Taking your conference online means your content, such as recordings from the conference and other documents, is entirely under your ownership and can be used as collateral for months and years to come.
  • Not bound by the physical limits of a venue, your virtual conference can accept any number of attendees and create space and opportunities for a larger number of exhibitors and sponsors.
  • Many virtual conference platforms offer sophisticated data collection and reporting features, and can easily track the number of attendees in each session, track leads for sponsors and show who engaged with what content and for how long – often in real time.

Top 11 Tips to Optimise Your Virtual Conference

1. Always double check your tech elements before starting off with the event to ensure a smooth and seamless conference. Also, always keep a back-up to have a user-friendly and glitch free conference to enhance your attendees virtual experience.

2. Add a strong context to your event to ensure your attendees are clear about the topic. Keeping the topic relevant and simple can help generate more interested attendees. Provide insightful and valuable information to your audience as they will be acquiring everything they need from your conference.

3. Lay down your company’s objectives to multiply your profits, help you reach greater audiences, and generate more qualified leads. Ensure to set targets and promote better ROIs to qualify your conference progress.

4. Involve your audiences through engagements and interaction in your virtual meetings. Make sure your online platform offers tools like text/video/audio chats to motivate your audience, exhibitors and speakers. Ask your event provider about social integration options to enable prospects to share and maximise the reach primarily at the event.

5. Bonus point of hosting a conference virtually is that now you can invite your favorite keynote speakers. The one whom you once wanted to attend your event but just couldn’t due to the geographical constraints. The virtual platform has enabled millions of organisations to finally have all that they once desired.

6. Virtual events have become the talk of the town recently. Educate your stakeholders by creating insightful videos for your sponsors, staff members, event audience, and exhibitors so they can understand your motive behind conducting the conference.

7. Make it easier for your event attendees to select their preferred sessions by jotting down all your sessions list. This will help you keep a hold of your audiences and add more value to your prospects engagements and educate them appropriately.

8. Keep your attendees excited and engaged by assigning a moderator as there are times when even a professional speaker can’t keep the audience involved. A moderator can help guide conversations, enable live polls and ensure that the audiences are hooked throughout the sessions.

9. Expand your communication formats by excluding the one-way interaction. Instead go for two-way to catch your audience’s attention and also get a better understanding about their opinion. To make it more exciting you can also add Q&A sessions or any gamification feature.

10. Your virtual conference holds a great opportunity to generate feedback and data from your virtual attendees. It helps in making necessary improvements in the future and gets you qualified leads. 

11. Lastly, spread the word about your upcoming virtual conference. You can promote your meeting agenda over social media platforms alongside your company’s website to reach your target audience and to maximise attendance at your conference.

Over to you

All in all, in the advent of novel coronavirus, virtual conferences have acted as a saviour for most businesses. It enabled them to meet with their company’s goals and also provided valuable responses from the attendees. Undeniably, in-person meetings will have its forever charm but virtual events have made life much easier and convenient. It is rapidly replacing on-ground summits and conferences, providing businesses a popular and effective tool of all time. We have painstakingly done a thorough research regarding this article and presented the best tips to optimise your virtual conference hassle-free.

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