Five Excuses to Sneak Out Of Your House To Meet Your Valentine

Five Excuses to Sneak Out Of Your House To Meet Your Valentine

Valentine’s Day is approaching near and the preparations must have already begun. You must have already created a list of things to be done on Valentine’s day and the week before. Some of you would have just started looking for online cakes or other gift typeswhile some of us have already packed it and hid it in a secret corner of our house. Buying a gift for a beloved and planning the day with them would only be fruitful if you meet them. Imagine having everything planned and yet not being able to execute it simply because you were not creative enough to give the perfect excuse to sneak out of your house. Stepping out of the house would be a cakewalk on any other day of the year but Valentine’s Day. Everyone knows the prevalence of the day and its celebration. Thus, you can not simply walk out of your house on this day without being bombarded with several questions from your suspicious parents and your siblings, who won’t leave any chance of landing you in trouble. If you are willing to risk it a bit and sneak out of your house to meet your partner or just get a glimpse of their beautiful smile, we have got you covered with brilliant excuses to be used. Have a look at them.

“Extra” Class excuse

This is probably the most predictable of all excuses. Although everyone is aware of this lie yet, you can make your parents believe it by being a bit more creative than others. Plan your reason well and start attending the so-called extra class much before Valentine’s Day. Coming up with this excuse on the day itself would be equivalent to showing a red rag to the bull. Better be smart and plan your excuse well.

Out with the squad

This one is straightforward and believable. Tell your parents that you will be hanging out with your single squad since all of you have no one to celebrate the day with. You can get your squad involved in this evil deed as well. Ask them to provide confirmation through a phone call or meet your parents and pick you from your house. And then all of you can go to your sweethearts and enjoy your day together.

“Birthday” Party

I believe this one would be the best. Using this excuse once will make things easy for the future. You can use the same reason repeatedly and remind your parents of the friend who was born at the festival of love itself. This excuse would be a perfect savior. You can get ready from your house itself and can also get the online cake delivery in Delhi in your hands without needing to hide it.

I need to go shopping!

Tell your parents that you can find nothing suitable to wear for the days ahead and you badly need to add new clothes to your closet. Tell them that you don’t want to miss the end of the season sale and sneak out to your date location. You can also lie about an upcoming event such as an office party or a friend’s promotion party, or a relative’s wedding and make an excuse about going out to get something for the occasion.

The so-called emergency

Ask your partner or your best friend to give you a call on the day itself and ask you to help them out because they need you to help them urgently. You can keep it a candid call if you are a good liar or a good actor. If not, then do not risk it at all, plan each and every word of your call. You can also rehearse your act several times along with your partner in crime.

You can choose not to lie and stay at your home and send valentine gifts online, but if you are looking forward to spicing it up for your partner if you want to meet them and celebrate your day together. You can choose to be bad for one day and use either of these excuses to sneak out of your house on Valentine’s day.

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