Foods That Reduce Hyperhidrosis | Stop Excessive Sweating

Foods That Reduce Hyperhidrosis | Stop Excessive Sweating

Digestion does not seem like a bodily feature that is taxing. Yet your internal body temperature spikes as you work harder to break down food, signaling the sweat alarms.

What’s the solution, then? Opt for foods that relieve tension and digestion. For those extra stressful days, here are a few foods that decrease excessive sweating. If you feel like you are sweating too much it can help to change your diet. We have a range of food suggestions below to help minimise the amount of sweat that you have…


It’s a no-brainer this one. It will not work so hard to lower your internal temperature through sweat by keeping your body cool with water. Keep a refillable water bottle nearby to drink on during the day if you’re concerned about sweating at the office.


You probably struggle to get into those 8 glasses of water every day between your morning and afternoon) coffee break and evening whiskey or two. But never worry, there are other H20 outlets that are going to get you there.

To minimise sweat, integrate vegetables with elevated water content and digestive capacity into your diet. They include:

  • Cauliflower Flower
  • Eggplants
  • Cabbage(Red)
  • Peppers
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli

In order to keep you hydrated, ease digestion and preserve metabolic function, grapes and watermelon are also great water and fibre sources.

Yoghurt, cheese and milk

You will help achieve your daily intake of calcium by including foods like these in your diet. To help your body maintain its optimal temperature, calcium is an essential mineral, resulting in less sweating. Try to select low-fat versions, as they will make it easier for your body to break down and further minimise sweat.

Melon, strawberries, cucumber, courgette and lettuce

One of the best ways to keep your body cool and avoid sweating is to keep your body hydrated. This suggests that it should be a top priority to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Fruits and vegetables will help to keep you hydrated as well. As per the best nutritionist in Bangalore, watermelon and strawberries contain a volume of water of around 92 percent, leading the list of most hydrating fruits. Cucumber and lettuce contain 96 percent water content, making them the most moisturising vegetables, and 95 percent courgette follows them easily.

Wild salmon, eggs and beef

These foods are a great component of a healthy, balanced diet, since they contain all eight B vitamins, which will help prevent excessive sweating. By keeping the nervous system balanced, helping the digestive system and boosting the immune system, the B vitamin complex makes the body function effortlessly.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is filled with antioxidants and processing is simple for your digestive system. Therefore then select olive oil when you next need to reach for the oil.

Almonds, spinach and pumpkin seeds

Almonds and pumpkin seeds make a satisfying mid-afternoon snack, and in a salad, cooked in a stir-fry or as a side dish with seafood, spinach is nice fresh. As they are rich in magnesium, which helps with metabolic and nerve function, these foods have made our list. People who sweat a lot appear to have lower magnesium levels. It is also important to make sure you are eating foods rich in magnesium.


Did you have an important meeting coming up? The best nutritionist in India says whey contains L-glutamine and tryptophan, which calms the nervous system naturally, helping to battle the nerves that make you sweat. It also controls your digestive system, providing additional protection against sweat.


Sweet potatoes, filled with vital vitamins, can also help relax your nerves, fight stress and lower your blood pressure.


Bananas pack a potassium punch, but what does your body mean by that? An electrolyte that lets you hydrate is potassium. Bananas, which contain magnesium, vitamin B6 and other nutrients, encourage pleasure, calmness and good digestion as well. 


Green tea, which keeps the nervous system (and sweat) at bay, is known for its soothing effects. To take the pressure off and avoid signs of sweat, sip on some green tea before a nerve-wracking presentation.

We hope that there are some tips here that are not already in your diet and can help you achieve a better, more balanced meal plan tailored to your sweating needs.At Qua Nutrition, we look at this topic with utmost significance. If you have any concerns about nutrition or our nutrition/ diet plans, call us at +91-9743430000 or email us at

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